2018 Exhibitions

Inflorescence Sabbia Gallery (solo)
Wild: Flora and Fauna in Australian Art Hawkesbury Regional Gallery Windsor
Something Blue Sabbia Gallery
Cultivate: inspired by nature Sturt Gallery Mittagong
Celebration: 20 years of collecting visual art at CMAG Canberra Museum & Gallery
Open Award Ignition Awards for Ceramic Excellence Nambour QLD
a visit to the river Beaver Galleries (solo)

Banksia gardneri
Porcelain, sgraffito
38.6 x 21.8 x 20.3cm
Image: Andrew Sikorski
Exhibition: Inflorescence


Grassland Blue
Porcelain, stoneware, sgraffito, inlay
55 x 44 x 40cm
Image: Andrew Sikorski
Exhibition: Something Blue


Broad-leaf Drumsticks
Porcelain, sgraffito
30.5 x 21.9 x 20.5cm
Image: Andrew Sikorski
Exhibition: Cultivate

Arid Zone Acacias
55.5 x 45 x 30cm
Image: Andrew Sikorski
Exhibition: Wild: Flora and Fauna in Australian Art


The River III
55.3 x 14.3 x 14.3cm
Image: Andrew Sikorski
Exhibition: a visit to the river

Swamp Iris with Green Midge Orchid
Porcelain, sgraffito
44.7 x 14.2 x 12.1cm
Image: Andrew Sikorski
Exhibition: Ignition


©2025 cathy franzi contemporary ceramic artist australia