2015 Exhibitions

Wonder & Loss Narek Galleries (solo)
Islands & Corridors School of Art + Design ANU (PhD examination exhibition)
From the Landscape Kerrie Lowe Gallery
Finalist Clunes Ceramic Award Victoria
A Potted History of Canberra Region Ceramics Canberra Museum & Gallery
Stomping Ground ACT Legislative Assembly Gallery Canberra
Presenter’s Exhibition Australian Ceramics Triennale ANU
Belonging The Australian Ceramics Association Biennial Exhibition School of Art + Design
Walker Ceramics and People’s Choice Awards, Canberra Potters Society Annual Exhibition


62 Orchids Black Mountain (detail)
Porcelain, ink inlay
37 x 1500 x 50cm
Image: Andrew Sikorski
Exhibition: Islands & Corridors


Seed Jars: Yellow Box-Red Gum Grassy Woodland
Porcelain, sgraffito, 5 x 13cm
Image: Rob Little
Exhibition: Islands & Corridors

A Box of Endangered Sydney Orchids
Porcelain, inlay, recycled timber
7 x 44 x 9.7cm
Image: Rob Little
Exhibition: From the Landscape


Hoary Sunray
Porcelain, sgraffito 18 x 7cm
Image: Andrew Sikorski
Exhibition: Islands & Corridors


Dune Headland
Porcelain, sgraffito, inlay
21 x 20 x 16cm
Image: Andrew Sikorski
Exhibition: Wonder & Loss


Temperate Grassland with Whirrakee Wattle
Porcelain, stoneware, sgraffito, inlay
27 x 57 x 40cm
Image: Rob Little
Clunes Ceramic Award


©2025 cathy franzi contemporary ceramic artist australia